How to generate strong, secure passwords using Safari iCloud Keychain "IPHONE"

How to generate strong, secure passwords using Safari iCloud Keychain of IPHONE

A good secure password for any website you visit is long, contains special characters and, most importantly, is unique, so that even if your password is compromised through an attack on that website, all your other website logins remain safe.

The problem is, it’s very hard to remember a unique password for each website you visit, but with iCloud Keychain, added in iOS 7.0.3, you don’t need to. iCloud Keychain syncs your passwords across your iOS devices and Macs, and has a handy feature that auto-generates strong and secure passwords so that you don’t have to think of a new one every time you sign-up.
Here’s how you generate passwords in Safari using iCloud Keychain:
  • Open Settings, navigate to iCloud > Keychain and make sure iCloud Keychain is enabled.
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    • Now open Safari, and visit the site you want to sign-up for.
    • Enter whatever information is needed in the sign-up form, and when you come to the password field, you’ll see a Suggest Password button above the keyboard.
    • Tap on the button, and a popover with the suggested password should appear. If you’re okay with the generated password, tap on Use Suggested Password and it’ll be autofilled for you and synced across all your devices.
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    • The next time you login to that website, Safari will autofill the password generated earlier in the password field.
    • Since iCloud Keychain works only with Apple devices, if you’re ever on a Windows PC or an Android device, you can see the generated password by opening Settings and navigating to Safari > Passwords and AutoFill > Saved Passwords. Here you’ll see a list of all websites for which you have passwords saved. Tap on the website you want to see the password for, enter your passcode if iOS asks you for it, and you should see the auto-generated password.
    Note that some websites do not allow Safari AutoFill, so you won’t be able to use this feature on those websites. If you want to override this behaviour, you can open Settings, and navigate to Safari > Passwords and AutoFill and enable the “Always Allow” toggle.
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    Here’s a video walkthrough of how to generate strong, secure passwords using iCloud keychain in Safari:

    iCloud Keychain’s password generate and sync feature is great from a security standpoint, since it’s built into the OS, and lets users have strong and secure passwords without causing inconvenience.
    Let us know how it goes in the comments.
